Since June 2017, the Network Nová síť has been enriched with a new section for start-up organizations and premises. The "baptism" of the so-called multi-level partnership took place on June 15, 2017 at the premises of the Nová síť network in Prague, Osadní Street.

An impulse to set up a multilevel partnership was the interest of the start-ups and the premises in involvement in an existing network. The meeting was carried out in the spirit of mutual introducing and friendly conversation. Adriana Světlíková introduced the four pillars of the activities of the cultural NGO Nová síť, which are promotion of art, education, cultural advocacy and networking. Then she focused on the issue of her own networking experience and the conditions and the benefits of mutual collaboration. Later, the presentations of the present organizations, assessment of their current situation, pointing to their current problems and their longer-term visions followed.

The acceding organizations vary a lot, including the focus of their activities. Individuals, registered associations and contributory organizations - these all are represented. Mostly, they are cultural initiatives, residential premises, stagions and community and cultural centers in unconventional premises. It is this diversity that greatly enhances networking potential and offers new opportunities to all organizations involved in the Nová síť network. Start-up organizations now have a year to explore the outlines of the mutual collaboration and to get acquainted with the opportunities offered by networking partnerships.

A further meeting of all the acceding members is scheduled for June 2018, when we will evaluate the existing cooperation and discuss the possibility of accession of new organizations to Nová síť. We look forward to cooperating with ArtproProstor, Centrum kultury a vzdělávání Blatná, v lese, Vzbuďme Vary, Zachraňme kino Varšava, AvantgArt, BuranTeatr and Komunitní centrum Máchův mlýn.

A joint meeting of existing and acceding partners of Nová síť network will take place in the autumn, with the support of the "Save the Warsaw Cinema" initiative in Liberec.